There's quite a few options that I can think of:
1) the universe is constantly expanding and imploding again. Before the big bang, we had the big crush, which was preceded by another big bang, etc.
2) There's even some theories that suggest there wasn't a big bang at all - the universe is always expanding and imploding (like in option 1), but typically misses the center. This means there's never a true big bang, just a very dense center.
3) quantum mechanics dictate that there can never truly be *nothing*. There's always energy and matter around, some of it appearing out of nowhere, and disappearing again. It is possible that this mechanism caused the big bang (but rather hard to explain).
4) In a multi-dimensional universe, we have "sheets" of energy moving around. These sheets of energy have bumps in them, and when these collide with other sheets, an enormous amount of energy is released. This may be the cause of a big bang. In this scenario, there would be big bangs all over the place - we just can't see them, because they take place in another dimension.