Originally posted by TaLoN
but in this case the US has been making the right decisions. Other people of the world are disagreeing with us because like i said before, they don't like being bossed around. The UN is a POS because it is made up mostly by these whiny countries that are too weak on their own. just be glad im not president and that those countries still exist.
i would disagree if the government decided to execute saddam and i don't think they would because of what you said above.
Contrary to popular belief, not *everyone* in the world disagrees with the US in this case. I support the attack on Iraq, as does my government. Your whole argument about people hating you for bossing them around is bullshit, it's just not that simple, okay?
I am indeed glad you are not President, because you sound a bit too uninformed to survive daily international politics.
As I said before: Saddam should be handed over to the UN war crimes tribunal in the Hague (similar to Milosovic), or to Iraq.
Oh, and Canada did *not* say they would let Saddam and friends just stay there if they came. They would send them over to the UN court. What is wrong with that??? He would be given (at least) a life sentence there, convicted by the entire world, instead of *one* country that defeated him in combat. At least the UN court would be seen as impartial.