He's an idiot. Not man enough to <b>personally</b> tell his wife, "Honey, I had sex with another woman. And, yada yada..." Shit, hiding behind the media and a wall of tears. Admit you were horny because you had not seen/been with your wife in soooo long. Maybe you were drugged up on medication from having knee surgery. Really! I mean he purposely did this (turned himself in at sake of being exposed to the media) and he knew the consequences; people will never live it down. It will continue to grow and mature as gossip and ruin the lives of all Kobe Bryant, his wife, his kid and the "innocent" american idol reject. That girl is 19 for crying out loud! Adultry!? How many here are 24 or older and have had sex with a 19 year old? Maybe younger, maybe older. Point is she is a grown woman, capable of saying no to sex. Kobe was just so ashamed he violated his marriage (trust) that he didn't know what to do and in a panic called the police (in my mind). I do not want to see another "proud whore". Monica Lewinsky (I have no respect for her & her name, therefore, I do not care if it is spelled right) has her own show!!! And, proud of it? What does she discuss? How to satisfy Bill when he's in his mood? Media! No shame, no remorse, no ethics! Just pure gossip & fame! It riles me up that if this was a regular 24 year old he would of done the sane thing. A) walk away or B) If he felt he did anything wrong <b>AT ALL</b> sat down and discussed it with her. Before going and involving the law.
I do not know all the specifics and as a result I do not know if rape or consenting sex was done. So my thoughts are as if they had consenting sex.
Slowly but surely getting over the loss of TFP v. 3.0.
Where the hell am I?....
Showering once a month does not make you a better person.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Martin Luther King, Jr.