Hrmmm, well I'll get started on it once I'm done with finals for this semester. Then I have almost three weeks free to work on it. I will update here when I get something worth updating with. It would be easy to add catagories for things other than quotes such as poems, lyrics, jokes and stuff once everything is laid out.
Got a few questions to throw out there as to how you would like to program to be. Would you rather have a it server based or client based?
If it were to be server based, it would be written in PHP using a MySQL server (I already know that, no other technical reason). The server would have users, and each quote submitted would have various attributes such as the quote itself, who said it, catagories it fits under, keywords, description, and if the submitter wants it to be public or not (if it isn't public, then it is only available to them). Some problems with this would be duplicate quotes, if you are allowed to delete quotes that are public, and calls to the MySQL server for searches would be pretty taxing.
If it were to be client side only, it would be written in C++ (again, thats what I know, no other reason). It would only hold the quotes of the user running the program. Distribution might be an issue, if you wanted to share all, or some of the quotes. I could probably incorporate an import/export feature where it used maybe individual files for each quote that held all the information, or a large compressed file that held the qutoes. Another problem would be I would have to brush up on my C++ skills since I haven't used it in a few years... Maybe I could get credits with my school for making the program or something.
I feel like it's already done, now I gotta figure out a spiffy name for it.
( o< --!"Take that bass out you're voice, you talk to me in treble."
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