Thanks for the replies. However, could anyone tell me some more information about the premiere? Like about how early should I get there.
The reason I ask is I had tried to go to ComiCon in San Diego today since Angelina Jolie was supposed to be signing autographs. I had no idea what it was all about, but we still got there 2 hours early and had to wait in an over a mile long line, and that was just to get in the building. She was supposed to sign fom 10-11 and the place opened at 10. Needless to say I did not even get in the building and was only halfway at like 10:30.
I don't have a ticket to this premiere so I was going to go stand around outside to watch. Will I even be able to see anything, or is this another lost cause? Thanks for any quick responses, the premiere is Monday.
"Like liquid white from fallen glass,
Nothing to cry over"