Originally posted by g.f.p.
And what if none of them are wrong, and all of them are right?
Well no...Fact is Fact. Truth is Truth. Real is Real. Two contradictory things cannot be true.
A: x = 3
B: 2x = 5
Either A or B is WRONG. They cannot BOTH be correct. Similarly Jesus cannot be BOTH the son of God and simultaneously not the son of god. Jesus cannot have resurected himself on the third day, while also on the same day staying stone cold dead locked safely away in the crypt.
As an aside, I noticed someone brought up the "Creation vs. Evolution" in this post. I've always been amused that of all the people I've talked about these things with, and some of them were very smart, not a one of them could even conceive of a third alternative, or a fourth, etc.
The answer to that question is very simple, but it wouldn't be very PC of me to elaborate. But thats never stopped me before.
To all extents and purposes Evolution is a Fact. To all scientific people there is no question about it. The only reason there theory comes under any fire AT ALL, is nothing to do with bad science, it is to do with the fact that it infringes on their personal beliefs. The God story: hence creationism.
There is the Truth, and the Myth, hence Evolution vs. Creationism. Perhaps you, in your infinite wisdom would care to offer us a third and a forth proposal?