Originally posted by Ace_of_Lobster
Wouldnt he just be more likely to bring a bigger weapon of his own?
Er that makes sense. The short answer is no. The long answer is... bigger weapon? What? Like a nuke... or what? I mean its not the size of the gun its how you use it! (tee hee..) Seriously though, if I was a criminal and god willing someday I will be, I wouldn't go after anyone that I knew (or atleast thought) had a weapon any more lethal then prehaps a knife. I might have a shotgun and he might only have a 9mm but the fucker could still kill me.
As for a general response to the thread. Not to be cliche (and repeat whats allready been said ) BUT .. when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. Yea, I've heard about gun control before. It was about 60 years ago but it was hard to understand because the naration was in german. Seriously though the first country to ever pass gun control laws was Nazi Germany. It makes sense too. If a goverment is going to be totalitarian then wont it want its citizens disarmed? Yes, guns WERE made for one purpose, to stop/kill things. But thats the way of the world. Sadly it can be kill or be killed. Once you change the way of the world then I will consider giving up my gun (which I do not own one. I just support ones right to own one)