I agree with Forks completely.
I was kicked out of the house when I was 18 and had no choice but to take the worst paying job there was as a grocery night stocker. When I was there i worked my ass off with two other guys, running around all night lifting and throwing stock like a slave, but looking back, even though it was hard, I'm glad I went through that because now i know i can be independent no matter what.
Now, 5 years later I'm makingabout 60k a year, I just bought a house and I'm married to a beautiful Argentine woman. Granted I'm not doing what I want, but now that I'm stable I have thetimeto seek out what i really enjoy, and to top it off, my parents are dependent on me now, how bout that
See, think your problem is you think you're safe so you don't try as hard to succeed. You also probably think you shouldn't suffer in life but that's what makes your achievemens so sweet when they do come to you.
The most important thing is how determined you are. the sooner you start the better off you'll be in the long run so don't be weak about anything.