You don't need to do anything special at all. Just lock your door! If you live with a roommate, make sure he locks to door too. I had a roommate that didn't like to lock the door when he went out for smoke breaks, so one day I told him that if any of my stuff ever 'turned up missing' because he didn't lock the door, I would hold him personally responsible and he would have to pay for whatever disapeared. Another thing you might want to keep in mind, is the less people know about what is in your room, the less they'll be interested in stealing. I had a beautiful 21 inch Trinitron monitor in my room I was always afraid of someone getting... I strategically placed it so that no one would see it when the door was open. Most of the people in my hall probably never knew it was there.
In conclusion, lock your door. Even if you're just going into the bathroom to shit.... lock the door. Oh yeah, and when you go to sleep at night.... lock it. Once a group of drunk guys went around campus jiggling doorknobs at 3AM. They entered a number of rooms where people were sleeping and stole their stuff.
Last edited by nothingx; 07-28-2003 at 05:34 PM..