I just had this convo with my 20 y.o. son. It was totally unsurprising what he and most of you men have to say about it.
The woman who has accused him of rape is a concierge. This is Merriam-Webster's definition of what her job duties were:
Main Entry: con·cierge
Pronunciation: kOn-'syerzh
Function: noun
- a usually multilingual hotel staff member who handles luggage and mail, makes reservations, and arranges tours
Possible scenerio:
He is Kobe Bryant--big basketball star. She is star struck--kinda like how you all would be. He invites her to come up and visit in his suite--where most likely, there are others present--employees, hangers-on. She's offered alcoholic beverages. Perhaps she inbibes. Perhaps not. Regardless, at some point sex occurs. Was it consensual?
As stated before, Kobe and his accuser and/or victim know, though there might be witnesses as well.
All I know is that the majority of rape accusations are legitimate.
Therefore, based on this fact, I believe it is more likely that he is guilty.
I wonder how you guys would feel if this were your sister or girlfriend or wife, who has allegedly been assaulted by Kobe Bryant.
Last edited by Double D; 07-19-2003 at 01:01 PM..