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Old 07-18-2003, 10:39 PM   #132 (permalink)
is a shoggoth
Location: LA
Most of the best books I have ever read have already been listed with one noteworthy exception. It seems that no one has ever read "A Deepness In the Sky" by Vernor Vinge, and everyone I convince to read it ends up *really* loving it. (they usually end up putting it above snow crash, right below 1984) So now I am trying to add power to my lungs and scream to the heavens with a voice louder than my own....

Read "A Deepness in the Sky"

Really people, I wouldn't try to draw attention to it if I wasn't sure it would blow your mind.
Use the star one and you'll be fighting off the old ones with your bare hands
-A Shoggoth on the Roof
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