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Old 07-18-2003, 09:54 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: right behind you...
my turn.

The people who make it their live's work to tell you that you're damned to hell if you do not believe in what they do are not Christians. They are posers. they are like the semi goth kids who don't really have a fucking clue as to what is up but know that they need to be recognized.

it is our responsibility to preach Jesus' gospel. but see, I've managed to do it here a lot. a real lot. i haven't pissed off one person yet (that i know of) for stating my beliefes.

why? I do not bible thump. I know that to brow beat is pointless. i was bible th thumped my whole lie and all it did was make me hostile.

now I am a firm believer is Christ and i bring it up occasionally in a post, journal or chat. it makes people curious. then they want to knw more. then i can say 'let's try to show them the truth of my way of life and what and who Christ is and represents. I carry no dogma and have my mind as far opened as possible and my friends respect me and sooner or later they ask.
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