Ok, let me blow you guys away with a few posts, and my opinion on the matrix (from other forums).
This is going to be the mother of all spoilers for you, as it solves the whole trilogy of movies
in my opinion ofcourse.
I read
this thread and it got me thinking. I made a couple of posts on some other forum and i might just paste them in here.
PS: for you do get anything im talking about here you are take some time and read through the post i made link to above ^^
Some posts i made about it on another forum
ok, let me share my view of it. (this is going to be hard for me to explain).
first off, lets assume technology really isnt a limit here. If the humans are able to create humanbodies to host the AIs (powering them) in, they can in theory keep them stacked up in acres and have them hooked up to the matrix.
Why keep the AI's hooked up to the matrix?
if you saw the second renaissance (you can download the first part of the second renaissance from the animatrix website www.theanimatrix.com ), you will know that there were split opinions about the handling of AIs. Lets say the solution to the problem was not to kill the AIs, but to hook them up to the matrix. I belivie this is an attempt to integrate them into human society. So i think the matrix is a huge integration program, and the reason for the humanbodies thing (putting them into human bodies) is to easily integrate the AIs into human society without them feeling too much different. This way his teories work regard that part.
The purpouse of the one i think is to be able to upgrade the matrix without anyone noticing. Keeping the population of zion under control or something like that.
Ok, that was a very late robot model. As you prolly know an AI is nothing but binarycode, so in theory the robot body is only a host for the AI. Now if you could chose hosts for the AI, wouldnt it make sense to put them into human hosts, considering you are fooling them to belivie they are human? Thus the physical aspects of them are no different from normal humans except the "implants". This means they will have normal offspring. When you think of it like this they are cyborgs in some sense (if you can call it that).
Now the way the integration happens that each time the Matrix is reset the AIs that are ready for introduction to the human community is taken out of the matrix and new AIs are put into the Matrix. This way us humans have a steady flow of friendly AIs to do our bidings.
I belivie this gave some life back to the discussion, and it will most likely make everyone want to see revolutions.