Originally posted by Lebell
Wicca is a rough conglomeration of beliefs that center around the belief in the spirit world and how to manipulate various aspects of it, be it invoking actual spirits or the harnessing of spiritual energy for whatever task is required.
The general intentions for good or evil of the practitioner generally determine the types of ceremonies performed as well as the spirits that may be invoked.
The coven is still the most widely known and used grouping of witches (the term 'witch' refers to both male and female wiccans). Covens gather during times of increased spiritual energy or focusing, usually centered around specific times, dates or astrological events, so as to increase the likelihood of success in thier endevours.
Feel free to correct me anyone, I was going mostly from memory on this one.
I believe you have a very good memory but i will add my opinion also:
Wicca/Paganism, to me, is a beleif that everything is connect through the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. Therefore, wiccan ceromonies revolve aroung those three things and also moon phases and equinoxes
The Wiccan reede is self explainitory - "if it harms none do what thou wilt"