"Didn't find anything much of interest on the balcony D'Aleen.." Darghon frowns "except for two undead matriachs" he then looks at the idol "Should we take it with us? Or would it be a sin to desecrate something holy? Think we'll leave this one up to you father"
Seeing that goban has finally come back from his art exhibition he says "Find any secret passages while you were there Goban?" with a grin on his face.
Concentrating and levitating up to where Thantos is he looks around wondering "I don't know for sure Thantos" he raises an eyebrow.. "We might get lucky and there won't be anything on the other side.. or their could be a legion of undead waiting for some ripe flesh to tear off the bone.."
Darghon adjusts his cape a little seeing it was just out of place from the previous battle..
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!