Originally posted by Phaenx
<img src="http://www.ehowa.com/pic_b/masterssign.jpg">
I'm all for equality and all that bollocks, but I wonder just how many of these women would actually
play on this golf course were they allowed, and how many of them are there just to kick up a stink? hmmmm?
Anyway, not to be misinterpreted, I didn't mean to say that there is anything
wrong with women seeking out a good looking lad. My point is, that they wouldn't claim to be doing so. Check out the "What Women Want" thread and you'll see what I mean. Top of the list nearly all the time is "sense of humor", "intelligence", "understands me", "can communicate with me", etc etc etc. At least a guy will be honest, and out in the open when he has top of
his list: "pretty face and a killer body".