Don't know if this counts as "basic," but to add to *Nikki*'s advice...
Hm, personally, I don't like to create too much suction since that makes them more sensitive afterwards and it can hurt them.
I usually use my mouth and two hands for fellatio. One hand on the shaft, and the other hand is for massaging. I vary what I do a lot and that seems to make it last longer and be more enjoyable. It's also a lot easier on the jaws for the givers. Other than "sucking" him (for lack of a better term), you can also lick along the shaft--and balls if you're willing. Sometimes I like to kiss it too just to make it fun. Anyways, sometimes I stop fellatio and switch back and forth between that and a handjob. When I do this, sometimes I suck lightly (key is LIGHTLY) on the balls. Variety is good in my experience. What kind of variety is determined by your man's preferences. My other hand is usually fondling the balls, the t'aint, or even the anus if that's what the guy likes. The more skin you can stimulate, the better.
Always remember that you are not a Hoover.
=^-^= motdakasha =^-^=
Just Google It.
BA Psychology & Photography
(I'm not going psychoanalyze you nor will I let you cry on my shoulder. Have a nice day.)