I wanted to share my childhood with you guys, my siblings and I were some of the best behaved kids in town, everywhere we went people would compliment my parents on "what well behaved kids you have". We were that way for one reason and one reason only, my father put the fear of not God but the fear of his own wrath into us which looking back now made us well behaved. On the other hand, I can't think of one day in my entire childhood that I was happy my father was home. The beatings we endured far out weigh the chance for any happy memories. Today I have two beautiful little girls whom I have never raised a hand to, two little girls who run up to me every day I come home and throw their little arms around me saying daddy daddy, I missed you today. That friends to me is worth more than any material thing or anything else for that matter in this entire world. I also receive compliments as to how well behaved they are. I haven't talked to my Dad in many years, but if I did I would have to thank him for the lesson on how not to raise your kids. Thanks TFP for letting me vent alittle. I hope you all have as good a time with your kids as I do. If your not than you need to take a step back and try to figure out why it is your not.