I want to add to lurkettes def. of abnormal. I agree thoroughly with her (presumably?) take on abnormal. I do take exception with a value (i.e. harmful or undesireable) or judgement being placed on any of my contributions. I have made none. Perhaps freak and wierdo is a poor choice of words in which to lump groups of people. Maybe 'fringe of society' would have been better. That will probably ruffle some feathers, but GOD DAMN....isn't everyone sick of double talk and PCspeak.
My point from the beginning is how the FUzUCK can a governement tell a catholic entity to violate it's policies. On the public teet or not. Catholic churches in the US are tax-exmept places of worship...or however they are classified, does that make them subject to government regulation?
I take exception personally when a minority view point is thrust down people's throats with two options: It's MY way and the alternative being labelled intolerant and racists.
No one wants to be hated...but EVERYONE is hated somewhere, somehow, by someone....in fact everyone HATES too...that's life. It's circular and will probably come back to bite you in the ass. The golden rule stikes again.
Personally I hate no class of people. Doesn't mean, as I've said before, that I have to celebrate them all though. Most of you have taken excpetion with my classification as abnormal certain 'types' of people. Even of the lumping of the lot into one group. I understand completely. It was provocative. Your excpetion or even distaste doesn't make it wrong though.
I concur too that I am a very confusing person, and apologize for that which I have created. I have remained courteous so far, tried to reason soundly and pointed out were I felt reasoning was unsound, an extension not all that forth coming my way.
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.