let's not forget how Bush bailed out on the Kyoto agreement to do something about global pollution and bailed out of the nuclear disarmament program.
America has been one of the most influential countries for decades (or more), but only since Bush has it started to disengage itself from the rest of the world and create animosity towards itself.
No one gets away with being so arrogant as to tell other governments how to run their county. Especially when you're making such an total craphole out of your own country.
I've never resented any public figure as much as him.
Originally posted by Xell101
Clinton is the only elected president to have been impeached for good reason.
Would that be because he put the 'ass' back in 'assistant', or because he lied about it?
If it is the latter, how about some proof about them WMD's we've been hearing so much about?
And is it just the newscoverage (or me), or is Bush really doing next to nothing for the U.S.? All I hear is about foreign policy.
okay, i'll stop rambling...