Perhaps my choice in words was a poor one. I understand that there is some pain that cannot be helped by pain killers. I, for one, get very little relief from morphine as well. And I also understand that there are some conditions that will cause physical pain until you die.
I was thinking more along the lines of there being ways to "deal" with pain. Not that it goes away, or even that it isn't still a distraction. But, I have known several people that were/are terminally ill and in a great deal of pain, but can manage the pain because they understand that there are still reasons to live and they can still make an impact on this world.
I think if people commit suicide because physical existence is uncomfortable, they would be doing a diservice to themselves on a supernatural/metaphysical level (because life still has experiences left for them) and definitely a disservice to those around them who care for them.
Whether or not you believe in an afterlife or religion in general, it is undeniable that your actions, and therefore your existence has some immeasureable effect on those around you. Whether they are loved ones, or people in a position to observe from a distance, i.e. other medical staff who may be inspired by your determination to continue to fight your condition, there are people in this world that you will impact and never even know it.
"I want to announce my presence with authority!"
"You want to what?"
"I want to announce my presence with authority!!"
Last edited by Sen; 07-17-2003 at 02:03 PM..