Originally posted by billclinton
You seem to indicate that I should in some way feel pity for atheists because they live in a world that thinks differently than they do and that they live with the onus that they have nothing to really live for and that once they die, it is over-done-finished and everything that they lived for, thought, created, remembered....etc. is gone.....OK maybe I do feel some pity...but not in a charitable way so there's no need to take offense to my pity.
Also, morality is as easily undefineable for an atheist as it is for a theist. Atheists seem to argue that morality cannot be defined, but will still comment on how they are denizens of morality, albeit undefined?!?......
1) You shouldn't feel pity for atheists, because they do not *want* your pity. Your pity for them would be misplaced and rather arrogant: "you know all the answers and those poor deluded fools do not... poor them." So, don't pity us - we'll enjoy our lives regardless. I understand that you may find it hard to accept such joy without an afterlife or reward, but I can guarantee you that I do enjoy my life. I'd also enjoy leaving some permanent positive mark on human history, no matter if I get a reward for it or not.
2) It doesn't really matter what the world *thinks* - they can still be wrong.
3) Atheists do not argue anything. Atheists aren't a homogeneous group, so they do not have one voice. Some of them may argue what you say they do, but others disagree, while yet others don't give a rat's arse. I think morality can easily be defined, as Kant has shown centuries ago. I live my life according to the laws of my country, a lot of common decency and common sense. I don't need a 2000+ year old book to tell me what's right and wrong, because I can think for myself.