Originally posted by Bob Biter
While I'm aware that said unions are held in a legal court and not in a Catholic church, the act symbolizes progress in our society and I believe that the government's actions are a step in that direction.
Your definition of progress is most certainly not the same as that held by those of the Catholic church. What you see as progress, they may see as degredation of the values and decency of the populace. Honestly, I don't see why a Catholic school would be funded by the government -- in accepting government funding they are just begging the government to poke their nose into its business. If they want to bar anyone they want from their activities, they need to decline subsidies from the government.
Originally posted by Bob Biter
Since his community knows he is gay, can the school prevent him from graduating based on his activities that are "forbidden" by the faith?
If the school were a private one (meaning, not subsidized by the government) it should have the freedom to decline to allow a gay student to enroll, much less graduate. However, it's not a private organization so the school loses a lot of power of determining who participates in its activities.
Originally posted by Bob Biter
Therefore, I believe that the government has done the right thing, since it defended the rights of the individuals concerned and attempted to inject open-mindedness in a group that needed it. If a faith believes that we should forgive those that transgress against us, why wouldn't it let someone love a person of the same sex and celebrate that love openly?
I'm willing to defend the rights of Catholics in the US (Canadian Catholics that leech government funds are on their own) to do as they please, and associate with who they feel comfortable with -- this includes denying homosexuals admittance to their
private schools. Suggesting that a practiced theology is bad because it sees something as wrong which you do not is a bit close-minded yourself.
Let's take this in another direction -- would you support the same decisions if they were made in the US against a private Catholic school, and a private printer?