Originally posted by j8ear
Each of your definitions is inaccurate. To assume unconsensual is where the inaccuracies lie. No matter.
Anecdotal evidence about gay couples is worthless to this discussion. As are fabricated definitions.
Are you suggesting that animals are consenting to sex with humans that are involved in beastiality? Maybe I'm just reading you incorrectly...
Anecdotal evidence? What anecdotal evidence? Are suggesting that none of the people who claim to have had consensual sex with a member of the same sex did so consesually? It seems that is what you are suggesting...
Ultimately all I can see from your point of view is that you take issue with Others that don't share your state of mind and body as not "normal".
Normal, in the sense that you use it, is a very difficult definition to come up with...
Where this thread started was with seretogis taking issue with government interfering with (what he believed to be) a private institution. I believe we all generally agree that this is not a desireable thing. You have taken umbrage in general with those who you see as being different from you actually having the guts to stand up for their rights.
Sorry to piss in your cornflakes bear but that is the way it is in our culture. We try to recognize the rights that we have granted the majority as rights that must also be enjoyed by the minority...
Why you have an issue with the mentally challenged, lepers, porn stars, midgets, dwarfs, etc is beyond me. The truth of it is... these people have rights.