Okay guys!! Just FYI, in my opinion size doesn't really matter!!! I mean its nice but too much can hurt !! I prefer a guy who knows how to use it!! Because no matter how big it is if you dont know what to do with it is a waste of space!! I also would like ya'll to know that fore-play is a must and it makes it easier to get a girl to do oral!!
And yes a woman is elastic we tend to go right back to shallow after we A.) have sex with a well endowed man. B.) AFter having children C.) use plastic !! so, dont think we are all loose We are not
For everything there is a neverending cycle- birth, death, rebirth.
Evil can and will not exist without good and visa versa.
You also reap what you sew. There is a sliver of truth in every saying -those are a few!!