My turn to stand on the pedestal. First let me say that I have a step brother located in Iraq. He is a captain in the Rangers and has been in Baghdad since the day one. Before that some other very hot spots that he can’t talk about. His mother is worried sick about him. Goes months without hearing a word if he is alive or dead. Because of the nature of his work, he is unable to call, email or otherwise give away his location. I am telling you this to say I support our troops and know the danger there are in. However…..
(This is for the American readers) I am sick of this bullshit mudslinging and name-calling. It doesn’t matter if we are Democratic or Republican. We are Americans and we are in trouble. The shit is hitting the fan behind closed doors in the Senate right now. We have duty to ourselves to learn as much as possible as to how we got here and the most Humane way to fix the problems. It is my personal belief we have been lied to, deceived, and treated with contempt by our leaders. I respect each of you and know your personal beliefs are as strong as and not the same as mine. But Damn It! Aren’t we supposed to leave this country, this world better then it was left to us? What about or children and grandchildren? Don’t they have a right to pursue a good life and happiness? Are we going to leave them with a mess; broken relationships, fear of people who look at the world differently than we do? We have to take responsibility of where we are and ask the rest of the world community to help us fix the problems in Iraq. Just because we live in a geographic location that happens to offer the easiest living on the planet, doesn’t mean we are better then our brothers and sisters in hot spots in other geographic locations. My God people wake up! Don’t just listen to hearsay, serf the net and look what is going on. Validate the stories you read by checking the sources. Show our leaders how it is done. Try to learn why other people hate us. Try to learn what each of us can do no matter how small it may seem to stop the downward spiral into mass self-destruction!
Thank you for reading this and allowing me to speak my mind.