Circle Jerks : Wild in the Streets
Youth Brigade: Did you Wanna Die.
Sub-Hum-ans: Mickey Mouse is dead
Dead Boys: I need lunch
NOTA: Moscow
Replacements: Fuck School
Agent Orange: Mr Moto
Reagan Youth: Degenerated
Damn I'm gonna cry. I remember when I had all of the above on vinyl... now it's all re-issued remastered CDs.... except for the replacements and agent orange... wait i still have youth brigade too, oh and subhumans... lost the dead boys vinyl to a woman... NOTA moscow 7" is selling for over 50 bones now.
But what is considered old school to you?
This reminds me that I was cleaning out my basement I ran across a box with about hundred Maximum Rock and Roll zines... a couple were 15 years old.... now thats punk fuckin rock....
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Last edited by GSRIDER; 07-17-2003 at 12:09 PM..