The Situation:
3rd Down, 16 yards to go. 4:22 left in the second quarter. Wildcats (*my old high school*) over Rams 24 - 10.
The play was a "Phantom 22 End Cross" -- left flanker goes 10 yards, makes a cut towards the center, right tight end runs a 20 yard sideline route to drag the MLB over, and the right flanker (*me*) runs for 15 yards then makes a sharp break to the center (*to try and overlap the defense*).
The ball is snapped, and we all take off. Franklin looks over the routes, and tosses it to me in the middle of the field. (*us receivers aren't supposed to worry about the hit we're about to take... just catch the ball...
*) It was a little high, so I jumped up and caught it. As I came down, my cleates were planted firmly into the turf.
Then it all happened...
The CB hit me in the middle of the back, and at the same time, the LOLB hit me in the legs...
Next thing I know I'm on the ground, and he's like "hey dude, you're bleeding". I look down, mmm... blood. Rolled up my pant leg, and there it was, blood everywhere, and my shattered knee looking at me. (*ewwww*) Then my ex-girlfriend, who was a cheerleader (*of course*) ran over crying and screaming, then I passed out.
I woke up early the next morning to find out that I now had a metal plate behind my knee...
-- FIN --