Actually, I dont think there is anything wrong with them. I am not prejudice against any race color creed or religion, however I am prejudice about attitude. If you act like a hoodlum, then I dont like you kinda thing.
But on to the subject.. some of the funniest racial jokes I have ever heard were told to me by a colored friend, a lesbian told me the funniest lesbian joke I know, and I heard most of my blonde jokes from a blonde who fits about 90% of the jokes she told. So, if the people who are the butt of the joke are comfortable enough to tell the joke, why not laugh... Humor is the best medicine. Hell look at Jeff Foxworthy, he absolutely destroys rednecks (of which I consider myself one) with his lighthearted humor, so it must be ok
There are 10 types of people in this world... Those who understand Binary and those who dont.
I aim to please.. to bad for you I am a horrible shot.
Every time you open your mouth, stupid comes out.