I smoke Kools. I smoke about 2-3 cigarettes a day. Originally I started with Marlboro reds, but they made my mouth tasting yucky and throat feeling hot and scratchy. Mentholated cigarettes made the back of my throat feel cool when I inhaled, but lately I have been noticing that it no longer feels as cool or tastes as good.
I also don't catch as much of a buzz anymore, so now I cut the filters off my cigs (I noticed changes in taste and feeling before I cut the filters off). Smoking light cigs like Marlboro 100s just gives me a headache, yucky tasting mouth, and maybe some nausea; no buzz at all. I used to love the anxiolytic feelings cigarettes gave me.
I tried some less popular brand of menthol cigs of my cousins and it tasted and felt GREAT! Maybe my Kools were never like that. Is the change in taste related to my smoking, you think?
I've been wanting to try some of the pipe stuff. Any opinions on that? Does the pipe stuff taste any different than popular brand cig tobacco? I heard Camels were good tasting, what do you think?
BTW, this thread rules.