Darghon gets up on his side gripping the hilt of his lightblade once more.. "urgh.." and then see's Vinoh in a trance.. "Vinoh.. thanks.. What ever you did.." Darghon gets up and looks over the balcony. Seeing that they're still fighting the undead king and queen he yells down to Minx.. "Didn't you get my telepathic message?" Darghon jumps off the balcony and break rolls...
"You've got to burn them to ashes.. seems to be the only way to kill undead.." Darghon looks around.. "I would have done it sooner but the only problem I'm having is the fact that this place is brimming with old wood.." Darghon raises an eyebrow..
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!