Originally posted by j8ear
This world is getting very close to a revolution. The freaks, the geeks, and wierdos, (like it or not, homos are just that, in the exact same class as pedofiles, porn stars, midgets, dwarfs, lepers, mentally ill, retarded, etc...) are being mainstreamed as ~normal~. They have great lobbying tactics.
The fact that you equate homosexuality with pedophiles is simply repulsive...
The fact that you equate midgets and dwarfs (dwarves), leper, etc. with pedophiles is just insane...
I tremble in fear of the mentally ill lobby groups... how dare they ask for money and rights... (/end sarcasm).
The point of the US Bill of Rights (as I understand it) and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is do ensure that the rights of minorities are not squashed by the majority.
This is not revolutionary. It is basic human rights.