Scary that a government can force a catholic school to allow a GAY couple to attend it's prom....A 17 year old with a 21 year old none-the-less.
While Canada is NOT a secular country like the US...i.e. public schools are available with a religious doctrine based education, that is purely ludicrous.
This world is getting very close to a revolution. The freaks, the geeks, and wierdos, (like it or not, homos are just that, in the exact same class as pedofiles, porn stars, midgets, dwarfs, lepers, mentally ill, retarded, etc...) are being mainstreamed as ~normal~. They have great lobbying tactics.
One of the principals spewed out on the tv production of the 4th of July Macy's firework spectacular was that the US was founded on four principals. One being freedom from fear? FREEDOM from fear. Anyone else ever heard this absolute crap? You have a constitutional right not to ever be scared or fearful?
Strange things abrewing in this world....Didn't the Roman Empire implode right about the time that most 'abnormal' behaviours or lifestyles were being mainstreamed?
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.