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Old 07-16-2003, 11:35 AM   #126 (permalink)
Ok I'm surprised that I haven't seen <a href="">Phillip K. Dick</a> mentioned along with some of the other authors here.

I recently read <a href="">"The Eye in the Sky"</a> just as a one-off, "hey it's only $3 used" impulse buy and I enjoyed it immensely. I plan to read his other works as well. For those of you not familiar with his books, the films "Blade Runner" and "Minority Report" were based off of a book(<a href="">"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"</a>) and short story(<a href="">"The Minority Report"</a>) written by him. Notice I said "based off of", the actual stories are very different from the movies.

A great non-technical technical book (what?!) is <a href="">"Code: The hidden language of computer hardware and software"</a>. Charles Petzold starts with Morse code and Braile, moves forward to explain other base number systems and binary, moves into Boolean algenbra, switches, Processors, memory, and ends up at Machine Language. Explaining how a computer works and how programs are interpreted in a way that is engaging and not difficult to follow.

Last edited by twister002; 07-16-2003 at 11:39 AM..
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