I was just reading about this. I did check out the Unfaith website, so I would have an informed opinion.
Metallica is not credible at this point.
There is only a similarity in Unfaith's music if you've just read about a supposed similarity and you are straining to hear one.
Only a fool, a really stupid fool, would confuse Metallica and Unfaith.
Also, the idea that one can own two chords really disgusts me. One can own lyrics, no arguement there. One can own an arrangement of chords that we like to call a "song." However, one can not own two chords in a sequence. Imagine the fallout from that thought. Think about drumbeats..."Hey I own the 2 beat on the bass drum, then beat on the snare." "Pay me."
There has obviously been too much drug and alcohol use in Metallica's life, evidenced by this insanity.
The band has been striving to maintain some relevancy in the public's mind, but I am sad to say that this is one more sad chapter, in one sad story.
Metallica is officially irrelavent.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."