Originally posted by Daval
I love the mindless sheep who will follow a leader regardless of how much they were lied too.
I love the mindless people who will believe whatever the pretty lady on the TV tells them. Foreign policy is not black and white, and decisions which are made based upon hundreds-of-page documents can not adequately be summed up into 7 second sound bytes.
Originally posted by Daval
I supported the removal of Saddam Hussein.
Why? According to Al Jazeera he was a nice guy that would never hurt a fly, and he would never even consider using WMDs. 100% of his people absolutely love him, and he received 100% of the vote at his last election. Why would you want him removed?
Originally posted by Daval
However, I do not support the Presidents bullying and foreign policy. Every single week leading up to the way he would spew untruths and change the reasoning for the war hoping to get international backing. Failing that he just said fuck em and invaded anyways.
It sounds to me like you are ashamed that the US is the top dog in the world at the moment and that the UN has been proven to not work as flawlessly as Utopians imagined. Bush jumped through the UN bureaocratic hoops and the French essentially broke the system by absolutely refusing to listen to what Powell and the US had to say. It didn't matter, they were voting "No NO No" regardless. If you experience something like that (I have at my old job, thanks to the Boss's unqualified son having too much power) you lose respect for the system itself and you strike off on your own.
Did you expect the US,
the world power, currently run by a Texan (
), to back down and say "oh, you don't care? Alrighty, we'll just forget it all then."? If so, you are seriously disillusioned. Regardless of what party, race, gender is in the White House, I expect them to not back down to terrorists, the French, French terrorists, or looney North Koreans.