Well, I suppose I will add a new on to the mix. Church of the Brethren. We are one of the Historic Peace Churches and possess no creed. We basically use the New Testament and the Life of Jesus as an example for how we as Christians are supposed to act. So now that I have sounded like a Christian fundamentalist, I will expound a bit on this. I am of the firm belief that as religous people, and I include Atheists, and Agnostics in this discussion, because you are here answering this question, which in turn says that you feel your non-religion constitutes religous discussion. Anyway I think that we as religous people need to discuss things just like this. We will not always agree, but the best way to bring this world closer together is for those of us who come from different backgrounds to sit down and talk with each other. It is much easier to find a commonality in discussion than to find difference in assumption's about other peoples beliefs.