When I was in High School, I and two other people from the computer club (yeah I was a nerd) where writing a program to let two terminals comunicate with each other. You have to realize that these were teletype terminals on a time share system connected by acoustical modem! Why? We were writing an interactive version of the popular Star Trek game (yeah I was REALLY a nerd).
So anyway, our teacher comes in one day after school (we had free access to the computer room) and wants to know what we're doing. We told him we had written an artificial intelligence program and proceeded to demonstrate it by talking to the kid in the other room via teletype. He gets all excited but insists on "talking to the computer" himself to see if we were faking. Of course , the kid in the next room, who can hear everything is going along with it.
Before we could tell him he shouts "This is AMAZING! The principal has got to see this!" and runs out of the room. I should mention the teacher wasn't too swift. Taught math too.
The principal takes one look at some the obviously sarcastic replies from "the computer" and says "it's a joke right?". Poor teacher took a long time to get over that one.