I'm with Sparhawk on this: Democrats and media personalities (usually) did not want *any* casualties at all.
The only people that really did want US casualties are (some of) the anti-American morons all over the planet. You know, the guys that applaud every attack against the "American invaders", and only focus on the negative aspects of the war (dead babies), without looking at the positive ones (freedom to protest those dead babies), or even dismissing the "Saddam was bad" arguments by saying it was all propaganda.
And contrary to what you may think, these guys aren't just located in the Muslim world; many a Westerner feels the same for some reason. Usually one can explain this by pointing at the Islamic roots of immigrants (and accompanying bias), but some people just want to blame the US for anything bad, which means that anyone fighting the US is necessarily good, no matter what they do or how they do it. You know, the type of guy that says: "9-11? That was because of our foreign policy, man! We have to pull back our troops and give the terrorists what they want; then they'll stop blowing us up!" --- I have but one thing to say to these guys: Hitler vs Chamberlain, Munich, 1938; look it up.