i had 2 roomates and the 2 of us hated the third one. we called him rat-face behind his back because he didn't shave and had random, skanky lookin hairs sticking out of his face. He was obsessed with death metal and would always be talking about rotting corpses and mutilating people. he also had a guitar+amp and he really sucked at it. he smelled really bad despite taking 45 minutes showers every day!(i don't want to know what he was doing in there). on top of all that he was a total slob; piles of clothes on the floor, which he re-wore many times.
he turned 21 while the 2 of us were 18 & 19. he used to always tell us how he would buy tons of beer for us when he turned 21. but then when he actually turned 21, he got even more annoying. he refused to buy us large quantities because he was "afraid of getting caught". anyone that goes to a large university knows that 21+ are buying tons and tons and tons of alcohol for minors and they very rarely get caught.