D'Aleen stares in wonderment at the statue...drawn to it despite the evil looking corpse hunched beside it. Smothering a shudder she is just about to reach out and touch it. Turning to the Father she is about to ask if he might recognize it, or at least have any ideas as to its origin when her eye is drawn to a figure climbing up the wall!
Now I've seen everything...she thinks to herself and turns again to address the others.....suddenly an eerie screech and the sounds of a struggle comes from above.
Pulling her bow in front of her as she runs towards the base of the balcony she cries,
"Attrah! Father! Quickly....all of you - we've got hell to play with once again...."
OOC...Hey Bob you beat me by 30 sec's!

Ahha....undead headed our way huh? Okay dokey!