The majority response appears to be:
I know its complete horseshit, but I like to follow it anyway.
I mean....WHY? I really don't see the attraction, at all, in reading up and following complete and utter pseudo-science. I'm with Dawkins on this one that "it saddens me terribley to see that books on astrology far outsell books on astonomy by (some huge factor)" I mean, the real world is so amazing, so beautiful... is there not enough enjoyment to be had from reality than to burrying yourself in what you know to be complete rubbish?
And don't try to pass it off as being the same as a work of fiction. There is plenty of REAL literature out there, that that doesn't give you an excuse to be willingly supportive of con-artists.
At least no one here is actually suggesting to take it seriously. I guess, at least, I have that to be thankful for.