I'm posting because I need some advice. Basicly, I'm 18 and I'm really shy. I never talk to girls and I only have a few friends. I dont think I'm that ugly but, I'm really tall(6'1") and I'm kinda skinny. I know I could hook up with some girls If I had the chance to talk to any. But, since I really dont have friends I never hang out with any. I just finished high school and now all the kids I talked to in school basicly ignore me. I do know a few kids from another school. They like to hang out with me and some times we hang out with girls. These kids smoke alot of weed so when the girls are around I'm usaly high and I dont say anything to them. And some girls start to talk to me about my car. Everyone says I can get laid because of my car but, its no help to me. I have had it for a month and I have never really had a girl in it. This is the same car that I drive
How can I chage my life? I'm 18, I work as a mechanic, and I smoke weed alot. Thats my life but, I have never had a girl friend. I have gotten action but, those were in clubs where I did'nt have to talk. So, does any one have advice on how I can get a girl?