Darghon looks and watches as Cubby crawls up the wall. "And I was worried about spiders.. now all we have to worry about is our spiderman here..."
Darghon levitates up to the balcony.. "You know Vinoh, I've been thinking.. we've got 3 dead bodies here, and I'm wondering now they've all seemed to be watching something and the guy on the altar must of been preaching to someone. A lady and a lord in an empty room with a preacher?" Darghon raises an eyebrow and looks around abit more..
Carefully he looks at the bodies to see if they're are any markings to give away who they might have been and what land they might have looked over. He speaks openly "I'm also wondering what might have happened to the crowd.. if there was one ofcourse.." Darghon looks back towards the room "Perhaps the lady and lord had come here under the protection of the preacher and the altar was the last of the good left in the land." Darghon looks over the seats "But if not.. and it was just a mass gathering.. where my friends.. are the rest of these people" Darghon looks back at Vinoh and Cubby. "I'm getting a relapse of the town we went through.."
Darghon looks back at the altar.. "Is that statue using the light.. or emanating it?" Darghon looks around.. "Possibly the statue is absorbing the light and then emmaniting some sort of aura which is protecting this room.. so if we do try and see which way it is coming from and find out that the light goes to the little statue there goes our protection and we have a tonne of dark undead evil ones charging through into this room..."
Darghon grins and looks back "Just a thought... or two.. hehe"
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!