Originally posted by bondagegirl
And is it really true that a guy can't have a platonic (sp?) friendship with a girl?
As with all human relationhips, it depends on the people involved. Anybody who can't control impulses probably shouldn't have friends of the opposite sex. Physical attraction just happens between men and women - controlling the urges is up to the individual and some people have self-control, some don't.
Some of my best friends are female and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Some are even ex's and there's just no issue... there's a reason we broke up ya know? Anyone I would have a hard time just being friends with... I don't keep in contact.
As for the whole ladder thing - I see it in action all the time, but I've refused to play when I've been aware of it happening. Games like that seem like a waste of time to me, so I find people who don't care to play them. It made dating in my 20's much, much harder because most of the women in my peer group played a lot of games, so I always ended up dating older women. It's been interesting as I've caught up to the median age of my dates... (grin)