Sounds like HE's not suffering from ADHD, YOU are!!!
Have a nice little chat with mum. Tell her what will happen if the little shit destroys any more of your valuable notes that you've worked so hard on. She should also be very concerned that he's playing with fire (even if it is to "light the woodheater").
If all else fails, there are many things you can do, albeit a tad extreme (and I am not kidding or exaggerating here). Duct tape and a dark closet for a few hours works wonders when you catch him fucking up. Then there's the old get a running start and boot him straight up the ass as hard as you can method. Also, one gentle nudge with an old fashioned cattle prod or stun gun after he's caught red handed will definitely do the trick, and it won't usually leave marks. Trust me, after using any of these, he'll go well out of his way to stay the fuck away from you if he knows you mean business.
If softie mom says anything, respond with "you both were warned, and I'll do it again (and worse) if you don't keep him away from me and my stuff!" She'll take you seriously, too when she sees you're not joking about your studies.
I am also in agreement with the above posters about locking your things up securely. Keep it at a friend's house if nothing else is available. Briefcases and file cabinets can be broken into with knives and crowbars, and I wouldn't put it past kids today. Get a safe of some sort if possible, (and a fireproof one at that).
Oh, and move out as soon as humanly possible.
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