Is anyone else sick of rap music?
I like rap...hell I liked rap alot back in the day. But is it just me or has rap gotten so extremely lame that its not worth listening to anymore? I mean all they sing about is bitches and hoes and how much money they got and how they're gonna kill you for looking at them wrong. Ohh and I forgot the drugs....they like them drugs.
Now dont get me wrong. I still would listen to rap if it were worth listening too anymore but it seems like all you need nowdays to get a record deal is a couple of songs that talk about the aforementioned that havea bitchen beat. Its gotten to the point where techno seems like its the best alternative because at least there you have good beats with different stories behind them.
Not some doushbag singin about his baby girl and his ICE.
"Ohh look at got diamonds....yippie fricken doo dah"
There arn't many good rappers out there anymore. Everyone is slow and mumbles alot. Look at 50 cent. What an ass. Can anyone really say he's a good rapper? I can write songs as good as he can. Its not hard to write a song that rhymes the word fuck and shit 20 times, especially when you pen it before you sing it.
I think the only people I have respect for anymore are the ones who can free style or rap hella fast. Like eminem and busta rhymes. Eminem is fast as hell and he can free style with the best of them. And busta...well we all know busta.
anyway...I think I'm gonna write me a rap song...produce a sweet ass beat on my friends keyboard and release it on the net. Maybe piss off some gangsta wannabees.
By the way...sorry I havn't posted before...I was a bad....I'm broke in the cash department but not in my mind. I'll make up for my selfishness.