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Old 07-14-2003, 09:49 PM   #26 (permalink)
KeyserSoze's Avatar
Location: Lost Angeles
I thought those service plans at Best Buy were shit myself until my sister purchased one with a DVD player she gave me for my b-day. After a year and a half it started acting up and I took it in and they replaced it with a better one that was more up to date with more

In retail they have to charge at least double of what they paid to off set the overhead costs....but it's still to much.

Now I ask you come the car business is the only retail purchase that you can negotiate on the price and ask to see the dealers invoice?? I hate the fuckers that come in and grind for three hours trying to get us to take a loss of a couple of grand.........DICKHEADS!!

Client: Well why don't you sell me the car for $2000.00 less then invoice and make it up on the next person?

Me: Well, how do I know the next person is not going to ask me to do the same?

Client: Well if you want to sell me a car thats what you have to do to earn my business.

Me: Let me ask you this, what do you do for a living??

Client: I'm an Attorney.

Me: What do you charge an hour?

Client: $275 to $350.00 an hour why do you ask?

Me: Well if I came into your office and asked you do only charge me $50.00 and hour would you do it??

Client: That's not the same thing! (now he does not know what do say....fidgeting)

Me: But thats what you just asked me to do, but lets look at it for this angle much do you think my time is worth if I sell you a car?

Client: (stupid look on face now) What do you mean?

Me: How much do you think I should get paid an hour to sell you this car.......what do you think my time is worth??

Client: $125.00 and hour ok.

Me: Is that ok with you?

Client: (smiling now..dumbshit thinks he's got me) Yea.I would pay you $125.00 an hour to sell me this car.

Me: Ok....I get 20% of the gross profit after a $750.00 pack, we have been working on this deal for two hours now so as of this moment I have earned $250.00 and it will take another two hours to do paperwork and deliver your new Mercedes, so thats $500.00, do we agree on that?

Client: Sure.......thats fair.

Me: Ok so our invoice is $65,600.00 now add the pack of $750.00 and the profit of $2500.00 so I can make the $500.00 you said I was now you have to pay us $68,850.00 for this car.......

Client: Wait...wait.wait......I'm not paying you that amount!

Me: But you said I could make $125.00 an hour, and you agreed at the price of what I should earn, so to be nice I'll take of another grand to 67,850 is that ok??

Client:NO.No way.......I'm not paying that much!!

Me: So in other words you're saying I should make nothing??

Client: (looking real stupid now...his girlfriend is embaressed) Thats not what I'm got it all wrong.

Me: Well sir, that is what your saying and unless you can give me a real offer on this car without our dealership losing money I guess we are just wasting OUR TIME.

Client: I'm not wasting your's your job!

Me: Do you have a business card??

Client: Why?

Me: So i can come to your office and discuss a possible case.

Client: (his girlfriend gets it he doesn't,shes smiling) Whats the case about??

Me: Oh.I'll come by your what do you wish to pay me for this car??

Client: $2000.00 below your invoice........thast my final walking number!

Me: Have a nice day

Hmmmmmm I think I'll go into Best Buy and ask to see their invoice on a TV......what do you think they'll tell me??

Last edited by KeyserSoze; 07-14-2003 at 09:51 PM..
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