Detective Chief Inspector James Johnson, of Bankstown police, said the child might have mistaken the ecstasy tablets for lollies.
God damnit, this is so fucking typical. Why do people always feel the need to justify why a child might want to pick something up and put in their mouth? The three your old didn't look at these and go through the thought process "Whats this? Hmmm, Why ... I do believe it is a lollie (Whatever the hell a lollie is) Should I... Should I eat it? It must be candy. Man I have so many thoughts about the oil industry in south america. I wish these fuckers would just listen to me. Oh well, time to eat candy" And it goes deeper then just this. I just get anoyed at people who treat children like little adults. You know, just like us but smaller. I am sorry but a 3 year old does not have the same analytical thought process of you or me. As for the mother I think she should have the child taken from her but nothing else. She is a harm to the child but once you remove the child she is no longer a harm to the child and therefor there is no point in further punishment.