Originally posted by analinguist
if you have animation work, why aren't you showing the animation, not just stills? you should put the compressed copies on the site. i think that you should work on your information design, it is a little bit jumbled. like your dates are underlined but so are your links and you have no rollovers so it is sometimes hard to determine what is and isn't a link. i don't like the look of that blurry slop at the top and left, but that is just a taste issue i guess. also a lot of people shun the use of courier, just so you know.
if you hit home at the bottom, my page got an error. is this your first website? it is decent if that is the case.
Well, the animations would be up, but I'm hosted on the personal website server at my college for the summer, and they only allocate 7mb... the site thats up barely fit.
I'll see what I can do with the links, perhaps a different color. I don't like rollover text links, I think they can be distracting.
The "slop" as you put it happened to be a style I was working with at the time of the site design.
Courier was used to create tension and juxtoposition between the artsy/painterly "slop" and the machine-like quality of the text.
Thanks for the heads up on the link error!
And no, this is not my first website.